Awareness campaign

The new awareness campaign with Sonia Peronaci and Society of Endocrinology - SIE

When dealing with thyroid disorders, particularly hypothyroidism, patients often have doubts and concerns about how their diet might affect their condition. This is evidenced by the half a million searches carried out in the last year in Italy on Google, where the most used keywords highlight users’ need to clarify the complicated relationship between thyroid and diet. 
This analysis gave birth to the new awareness campaign supported by IBSA “Dal Palato alla Tiroide” with Sonia Peronaci, influencer founder of Giallo Zafferano which sees the patronage and active involvement of the Italian Society of Endocrinology and clinical endocrinologists. 

“The aim of this new initiative is to raise awareness, provide information, debunk false myths, and help the people in the relationship between diet and thyroid disorders that in Italy affect as many as 6 million people” affirms Alessandra Mirabile, Sr Product Manager in IBSA Italy.

“Dal Palato alla Tiroide”, through social channels, answers to all the doubts and frequently asked questions about this combination, accompanies  the public to discover witch ingredients are the most beneficial for thyroid health and well-being, and actively engages them: people can step up and share their Thyroid Friendly Recipe. The creators of the best recipes will have the opportunity to take part in a live show-cooking in Sonia’s kitchen Factory. Here, the love for cooking will be intertwined with medical and scientific insights, thanks to the presence of two expert endocrinologists.



Dal Palato alla Tiroide: all the recipes

Discover all the recipes on Sonia Peronaci's social pages.