Corporate Social Responsibility

Financing the future: the role of Foundations in the society transformation processes

Denatality is a topic that continues to be at the centre of the public debate, due to the continuous decline in births, which in 2020 recorded a 28% collapse versus the beginning of the millennium. Created in collaboration with Fortune Italia, IBSA’s project Natalità è Futuro (“Natality is the Future”) comprises a series of podcasts on the subject, in order to offer food for thought and to analyse the different life aspects involved in the decision to give birth to a child, always keeping in mind the current context.

We talk about it with Silvia Misiti, Director of IBSA Foundation for Scientific Research, in this latest podcast: "Financing the future: the role of Foundations".


The last few years have been marked by a global pandemic and an economic crisis, but they have also been characterised by a great transformation of society, of the very concepts of family and gender. These are all aspects to be taken into account in order to reverse the trend and take the opportunity to construct the traditional concept of family and parenthood in a different way than in the past.

Foundations play a significant role, because they work on wider perimeters than those of companies, and can have a deeper impact on cultural components and social transformations, by anticipating actions and experimenting with new cultural issues and methodologies. IBSA Foundation, which was born in 2012 from the healthcare area, interprets this role not as a recovery and conservation activity, but as a laboratory and driver of innovation. 

“For us, culture is putting science and art together, working on social representations, the use of the arts, the hybridisation of knowledge. It means working on the intangible culture, a culture intended as a resource for the well-being of the person and scientific research”, said Silvia Misiti. “We try to go beyond care and promote three main pillars: Education, Art and Science, Culture and Health. 

Parenting has always been one of the key issues for IBSA Foundation for Scientific Research, and great attention is paid to Education projects: from training pathways – starting from middle school – to scholarships to encourage the development of talents and the support for research, with the aim of helping families. An example is Let’s Science! – a multisensory creative path of scientific dissemination. The Parole Fertili project, born as a story-sharing platform in which to collect stories about infertility, has also been transformed over time, aggregating an increasingly large community and inspiring many of our activities. For IBSA Foundation Parole Fertili is a large laboratory for experimenting on how the various aspects of culture and health can assume important dimensions of care. In fact, we promoted the pilot project Parole Fertili: la creatività come risorsa. Viaggio nel Paese delle maschere narranti (“Fertile Words: creativity as a resource. A journey through the Land of narrating masks”), a Digital Integrated Drama Therapy activity.