
Falsification of drugs: Insights emerged from the webinar of 23 June

On June 23, IBSA unconditionally supported the drug falsification webinar. 

The event was attended by some of the leading experts in the field of health, to provide an updated and in-depth contribution on the subject of drug counterfeiting from the point of view of the clinician, endocrinologist, general practitioner and pharmacist. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines as falsified "Medicinal products that deliberately and fraudulently present a false indication of their identity, composition or origin". 

Doctor Monica Bartolomei, Senior Researcher of the Istituto Superiore Sanità, highlighted how falsified medicines are never equivalent in quality, safety and efficacy to the corresponding original medicines and their production can take place in unsuitable environments or not respecting the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) used by the pharmaceutical industry. 

From the webinar revealed that the falsification of drugs is a tangible and rapidly growing problem, which needs immediate action to raise awareness among citizens about this illegal and dangerous practice for health.  

Andrea Lenzi: The clinician and endocrinologist's point of view on drug falsification

Thanks to the intervention of Andrea Lenzi, Full Professor of Endocrinology - University of Rome "La Sapienza", the social and psychological reasons that push patients to buy drugs online were addressed, including a willingness to hide the medication and the underlying health problem from the doctor or pharmacist.

Emmanuele Jannini: Prevention strategies for counterfeiting drugs for sexual health

Emmanuele Jannini, Full Professor of Endocrinology and Medical Sexology at the "Tor vergata" University of Rome, illustrated the panorama of drug counterfeiting in the sexual sphere and for erectile dysfunction, highlighting the possible social and technological prevention strategies, useful for countering the phenomenon of drug falsification, in particular he underlined the value of the new technology in orodispersible film (ODF), an innovative and complex technology, such as to make the drug difficult to reproduce.

Claudio Cricelli: The GP's point of view

Claudio Cricelli, President of SIMG, underlined the role of the General Practitioner and the need to provide correct information to patients but also to all healthcare professionals.

Andrea Mandelli: The pharmacist's point of view

Andrea Mandelli, President of FOFI, highlighted the role and contribution of the pharmacist to counter this dangerous trend. The communication that is established between the trusted pharmacist and the patient guarantees a safe and informed choice in the medication.  


“We are proud to have supported this initiative which saw some of the leading experts come together to focus attention on such an important issue as the drug falsification" - says Sharon Gulisano, Senior Product Manager - Urology and Human Reproduction - "Today we believe that the path we have taken to obtain correct information for patients, doctors and pharmacists might be a valid  help to counter this dangerous problem."