Corporate Social Responsibility

Lodigiano in Colors: together against bullying


On the occasion of the National Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying, the world unites in a single voice against all forms of violence and discrimination. This special day invites everyone to reflect on the painful consequences of bullying and to renew their commitment to opposing this phenomenon, promoting a local involvement, interacting and helping the most vulnerable children, making them feel less alone.

The year 2023 was full of significant anti-bullying events, designed and developed by the organisation Il Magnete (“The Magnet”), and 2024 promises to be an even more colourful and visible year.

Located in the heart of Lodi and headed by psychologist Annamaria Sgorlon, Il Magnete is making a difference in a critical fight: the one against bullying, cyberbullying and victimisation in general, a mission of awareness and change within the Lodi community and in the surrounding areas which also involves projects such as Lodigiano in Colors. Launched in October 2022, in the past years the project carried out a series of initiatives the last of which dates back to last November 30 and concerned the donation to the Ospedale Maggiore of Lodi of two coloured benches, to say no to bullying.

The two benches represent an invitation to interact, share and reciprocate, in the belief that all citizens should be an active part against any form of abuse, be it physical or psychological, real or virtual. Each bench is coloured and bears, somewhere on its surface, a phrase that urges the reader to search for the “words” hidden on the other benches in the area, in a sort of “exploration” that disseminates the topic and increases attention. Furthermore, a QR code has been added which, in addition to providing an anti-bullying decalogue, refers to a Google Earth link through which it is possible to view the other coloured benches present in the area and thus identify the complete path.

In addition to the colours of the benches, the Lodigiano in Colors project spread its messages through events ranging from music, street art and cabaret, as in the case of the initiative carried out last May 21 at the BPL Center in Lodi, which saw the performance of the Milan gospel choir One Spirit Inside, directed by Ulrica De Georgio, and the performance of Alessandra Ierse, a well-known comedian from the TV show Zelig.

2024 and Lodigiano in Colors Tag

A new project will liven up the streets of the Lodi area in 2024: it’s Lodigiano in Colors Tag, an event that –together with the local municipal administrations – intends to restore life and colour to the walls of the towns, redeveloping the areas with murals dedicated to the theme of abuse.

Depending on the type of wall, some of these will be decorated by expert muralists, while others will be covered by handprints of people who, spontaneously, will have the chance to help liven up the wall, filling it with meaning.

The Lodigiano in Colors Tag event will end in Lodi at the end of June 2024. The final stage of the journey will be the opportunity to share anti-bullying messages with all citizens, in an embrace full of colour and meaning.