Corporate Social Responsibility

IBSA for Women and Fondazione Francesca Rava in support of women

When the heart and the will to do good come together, extraordinary collaborations are born, like that between Francesca Rava Foundation and IBSA Italy. In this video interview, Maria Vittoria Rava President of the Foundation – tells us about the initiatives aimed at supporting women and children in difficult situations with a key message: together, we can really make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable people.

Born over twenty years ago in memory of Francesca Rava, the Foundation takes up her legacy of love and responsibility; indeed, it is dedicated to helping vulnerable children and women in Italy as well as in the world’s poorest countries, with the aim of offering empowerment rather than welfare dependency.

By sharing common values ​​and working to achieve concrete objectives, IBSA Italy supported the Foundation’s projects that promote gender equality and self-determination, in line with the objectives set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Through a team of volunteers who have been working for over two decades in the poorest urban suburbs in Italy and in third world countries, projects are indeed taking shape that introduce a real positive change into the lives of girls and women.

Among these is the Corso di formazione sulla salute delle donne (“Training course on women’s health”), a series of 4 meetings dedicated to women of different ethnicities and cultures living in Italy, which will be held in July 2024 and June 2025 with the aim of covering various topics aimed at orientation and awareness: from female genital anatomy to contraception, from sexually transmitted diseases to cancer prevention, from pregnancy to the legislation on the protection of maternity and the referral to local services.

The historic campaign In Farmacia per i Bambini the activities of the Emporio della Solidarietà (“Solidarity emporium”), a supermarket where people can access and choose the products they need free of charge, and where there is also a “Pharmaceutical Corner”, to fight child health poverty.

At an international level, however, a special mention goes to Borse del cuore (“Heart Bags”) – a programme supporting girls in their school career, inspiring them with the courage to express their talents and overcome the prejudices that hold them back –, to the Ninna Ho Project, which addresses the issue of neonatal abandonment, offering mothers in hardship the opportunity to give birth safely and anonymously, and to Cicas Poderosas (“Powerful Cicas”), a Latin America dedicated plan that helps girls escape situations of extreme poverty and vulnerability by offering them scholarships and educational and professional opportunities.

Watch the video, find out more about this reality, the people who animate it and join IBSA Italy in supporting Fondazione Francesca Rava.

Read now the press release.