
Constant growth and continuous innovation: IBSA Italy also obtains an excellent result in 2023

In line with the progressive rise achieved in recent years, IBSA Italy confirms for 2023 the solidity of the company, as well as its ability to innovate and shape its business in order to best respond to the needs of a constantly evolving market.

Indeed, financial data provide an extremely positive picture, one where turnover increased by 16.2% against the previous year, reaching € 355,681,961. Of particular importance are the performances recorded in the Endocrinology, Human Reproduction, Osteoarticular and Dermoaesthetics areas. EBITDA – Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization, or the gross operating performance – also grew, rising to € 60,219,119, or 16.9% of turnover. Finally, the workforce reached a total of 636 collaborators.

The year 2023 marked an extraordinary financial performance by IBSA Italy”, stated Nicoletta Asti, Head of Finance:Thanks to a careful management of resources and the optimisation of operational processes, we achieved significant results, which confirm the solidity of our business strategies and reinforce our leadership in the competitive arena”.

The significant increase in these economic indices was marked by the positive trend of operating results, which allowed the company to also overcome the greater incidence of costs for raw materials, due to the markets’ noticeable inflationary trend of 2023.

In fact, despite the difficulties of the historical period – also characterised by the well-known war crises – IBSA Italy was able to overcome its challenges, further establishing itself thanks to continuous innovation, commercial strategies and the value of its collaborators.

Due to a cutting-edge production and a strong commitment to both sustainability and the well-being of people, in 2023 the company focused on the functional renovation and strategic expansion of the Lodi site, with the aim of modernising the spaces and improving production efficiency. The works, which began in 2022, will be completed in the course of 2024.

Furthermore, as in its tradition, IBSA Italy continues to invest in drug research and development in its three laboratories of Lodi, Cassina and Ariano Irpino; a commitment which led to significant innovations, that allowed the company to maintain a competitive advantage within the pharmaceutical market.

The company’s constant attention to innovation, its structural expansion and its commitment to people and to ESG issues allowed IBSA Italy to implement a continuous and significant growth also in 2023. These results reflect the appropriateness and effectiveness of our corporate strategies and investments in sustainable development: key factors that will ensure an even more systematic and lasting growth in the years to come”, declared Giuseppe Celiberti, General Manager, IBSA Italy.

For 2024, the Lodi company aims to launch new products that will strengthen its portfolio in the main therapeutic areas, thus consolidating its position as a leader and confirming its ability to make a significant contribution to research and the culture of innovation.

Below a summary of the technical-financial data achieved in 2023 by the Italian subsidiary of the Institut Biochimique SA Group:

  • Revenues: € 355,681,961 (€ 305,978,405 in 2022)
  • EBITDA: € 60,219,119 (€ 53,844,876 in 2022)
  • EBIT: € 52,031,705 (€ 45,451,928 in 2022)
  • Net profit: € 35,264,698 (€ 32,609,587 in 2022)

For more information, read now the press release.