Going beyond, overcoming diversity; getting personally involved and creating true integration, together; using sport as an element of aggregation: in this spirit continues the collaboration between IBSA Italy and the Fondazione Angela and Stefano Danelli of Lodi, also thanks to the support of the social enterprise I Bambini delle Fate (“The Fairies’ Children”).
The partnership was born in 2014, when IBSA embraced the foundation’s mission and began to support its projects, aimed at training and educating children and young people with autism and other disabilities. Indeed, thanks to advanced rehabilitation techniques and a psycho-educational approach, the Association helps young people to improve their autonomy, as well as their social and personal skills, and supports their families helping them learn more about their children’s disabilities and acquire the tools useful for their daily management.
“Ten years ago with Franco Antonello, founder of the social enterprise I Bambini delle Fate, we began to look for local companies with a “social heart”. Many of these still support us today, with continuity, in our many activities, and one of these is IBSA”, explained Francesco Chiodaroli, Director of the Fondazione Danelli. “We are very grateful to this company, for having made – and making – our local territory more supportive and sympathetic every day”.