Aree Terapeutiche

Ferro IBSA has arrived: an innovative way to take iron

Iron is a mineral that is essential to the well-being of our body. We need it to produce red blood cells and haemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen from our lungs to the rest of the body. Iron is also involved in the activities of many enzymes that support normal cognitive function, immune system function, and it helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.

A varied, balanced diet is all that is necessary to compensate for losses and maintain adequate levels of this mineral. The most iron-rich foods are liver, meat and fish. Many vegetables also contain abundant quantities of iron. However, some factors can lead to a state of iron deficiency, for example: a diet low in this mineral; pathological conditions that reduce absorption (e.g. coeliac disease, chronic diarrhoea, alcoholism, abuse of laxatives, Crohn's disease and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract); pregnancy and breastfeeding, when there is a considerable increase in the amount of iron required by the body. In addition to this, low iron levels are very common in women of childbearing age with abnormal breakthrough bleeding.

Nei casi in cui l’organismo non ha livelli sufficienti di ferro per produrre l’emoglobina può essere  necessario integrarlo.

IBSA Farmaceutici ha sviluppato, utilizzando la tecnologia IBSA FilmTec®, una formulazione orale innovativa capace di facilitare l’assunzione di ferro. Nasce così Ferro IBSA, un integratore alimentare a base di ferro e acido folico in film orodispersibile: un foglietto ultrasottile di materiale polimerico che, una volta entrato in contatto con la saliva, si scioglie in pochi secondi senza il bisogno di acqua. Una nuova modalità di assunzione del ferro semplice, veloce e pratica, da portare ovunque. Ferro IBSA è al gradevole gusto limone, senza glutine e senza lattosio.

Ferro, oggi si prende così! Visita il sito