In line with the theme of the 2022 World Thyroid Week (25th – 31st May) that was “THYROID AND HEALTH: I INFORM MYSELF WELL”, IBSA re-proposes the successful format of the "Non dire tiroide" campaign, created with the aim of promoting correct information on thyroid diseases.
"Non dire tiroide": the importance of giving correct information
In fact, the awareness campaign objective, lauched by IBSA Farmaceutici, is to emphasizes the importance of giving correct answers to the questions and clarify the doubts about thyroid, thus counteracting the spread of false myths circulating on the net in this field.
“Thyroid health” is one of the most popular searches on the web and today you can easily access a large pool of information, but it is not as easy to distinguish authoritative and reliable sources from those which are not.
The mini video-pills of “Non Dire Tiroide” follow the narrative thread of “correct information”, to highlight the most widespread inaccuracies and false beliefs that circulate about the thyroid and its related pathologies.
With the fun and light tone that distinguishes the campaign format, for the 2022 edition the famous Zelig and stand-up comedian Paolo Labati went to the splendid city of Bergamo, to interview passers-by and test their knowledge on the subject of the thyroid gland and its disorders connected.
Con il tono divertente e leggero che contraddistingue il format di campagna, il celebre comico e cabarettista di Zelig Paolo Labati per l’edizione 2022 si è recato nella splendida città di Bergamo, per intervistare i passanti e sondare le loro conoscenze riguardo al tema della tiroide e disturbi collegati.
The mini pills end with the intervention of the endocrinologist Prof. Flavia Magri, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapy, University of Pavia and at the Maugeri IRCCS Clinical Scientific Institutes, Pavia, who provides the correct answer to the questions posed by Labati, and will gives advice and information on the specific topic addressed in each video.
To find out more about the "Don't say Thyroid" initiative, access the dedicated section here.
I video si concludono con l’intervento dell’endocrinologa Prof.ssa Flavia Magri, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Terapia Medica, Università di Pavia e agli Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS, Pavia, che oltre a fornire la risposta corretta ai quesiti posti da Labati, darà consigli e informazioni sul tema specifico affrontato in ciascun video.
Per saperne di più sull’iniziativa educazione “Non dire Tiroide”, in collaborazione con il contributo non condiziona di IBSA Farmaceutici, accedi alla sezione dedicata presente sul relativo sito web, leggi attentamente tutte le informazioni, guarda i video e resta costantamente aggiornato: clicca qui.