#Cistaiacuore (we care about your heart) is the new campaign to raise awareness of the importance of Primary Cardiovascular Prevention. The connection of doctor, pharmacist and community represents the strategic element for promoting awareness, information and empowerment of personal resources.
Week after week, for 4 months, #Cistaiacuore will inform women and men, between the ages 20-65, about the main cardiovascular risks that you face, if you do not adopt a healthy lifestyle and maintain correct blood lipid values.
At the same time, it will explain the correct behaviors to prefer to start a virtuous path of prevention aimed at achieving individual holistic well-being too. Through geolocated posts, users will be reported to special events organized in pharmacies, in which they can register their self for free lipid screening. Controlling the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, in fact, is a critical step in preventing and raising awareness of the risk of cardiovascular disease. Patient awareness is an essential element in taking the correct measures to counteract cardiovascular risk. This is why the relationship between patient and family doctor is the other key element of the campaign to achieve continuity along the entire care path in the management of dyslipidaemia. The doctor will promote culture and offer patients coordinated care with the nearest pharmacy participating in the initiative.
The network with the pharmacist will make it possible to identify individuals with an altered lipid profile, allowing early identification of those at risk and promoting prevention in the community.
Discover the #cistaiacuore pharmacies where you can have a free lipid screening test: IBSA
Follow the campaign on https://www.facebook.com/cistaiacuore
“If you don’t see it, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist... anyway the solution is always there.” #Cistaiacuore