On the occasion of the International Thyroid Awareness Week, IBSA is supporting "Non dire Tiroide", an exclusive format with the aim of raising awareness among the Italian population on this very important issue.
To date, in fact, most Italians have just a smattering of thyroid and the related disorders.
That’s why many false myths and beliefs on thyroid gland are still circulating. Only by increasing awareness on this topic, we can help people to demolish them and understand the importance to address the doctor at the very first signs of a possible thyroid disorder.
Unfortunately, it is not that easy to recognize the thyroid diseases related symptoms.
This is how "Non dire Tiroide”, a fun and light-hearted initiative was born. With utmost reliability, it aims at providing information and dispelling any doubts about thyroid and the related pathologies.
By means of the 12 dedicated mini-video pills interviews conducted by the famous stand-up comedian Paolo Labati in Rome, Naples and Milan, IBSA supported the investigation about Italians’ real knowledge about thyroid and thyroid disorders. The objective is to give Italian population advice and useful information on this topic and to ensure a correct education at the national level with the help of the three foremost experts Andrea Lania, Rinaldo Guglielmi and Anna Maria Colao.
To find out more about the "Non dire Tiroide" and watch the first mini-pill, visit the dedicated section.