Bringing doctors and patients together at such a delicate time, when on-site visits are complex, and offering a system capable of providing accurate diagnosis and constant monitoring have become an essential necessity in every field of medicine.
IBSA, always attentive to the needs of physicians and patients, has supported, in collaboration with WelMed, the creation of the Welendo ‘tele-endocrinology’ platform to help endocrinologists to connect with their patients in a way that is direct, effective, and totally secure as regards the protection of sensitive data.
Social distancing imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a radical transformation in how healthcare is delivered and favoured the use of digital tools such as telemedicine, thus allowing the rapid expansion of the remote consults and enabling physicians to supplement their conventional services with other important activities such as prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or monitoring of a given pathology.
As stated by Marialuisa Fino, Senior Product Manager Endocrinology, “Telemedicine, already known for twenty years now as a digital technology but until now little exploited, is now being applied to help improve the quality of life of patients and facilitate the activity of clinicians and that is why IBSA has decided to promote the Welendo platform that will be presented at the 19th AME Conference, Saturday, 14 November, during the symposium ‘The virtual Endocrinology clinic: technologies at the service of doctors and patients. Practical and medical legal aspects’, which will also address issues related to clarifying the compliance aspects relating to the service.”