On 27 November 2020, within the context of its partnership with MUSE - Science Museum (Trento), the IBSA Foundation took part in the Researchers’ Night with James Beacham, particle physicist at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.
The European Researchers’ Night is the largest scientific knowledge sharing event, born from Marie Skłodowska-Curie’s desire to bring researchers closer to the general public, creating opportunities to meet the population in an informal and stimulating context to spread scientific culture and knowledge of the progress of research.
An initiative promoted by the European Commission, that, since 2005, thousands of researchers and research institutes from all across Europe have been involved for one night each year.
In 2019, the project brought together well over one and a half million visitors across 400 European cities.
This year, given the extraordinary situation the whole world is experiencing, the event was redesigned using digital tools.
In his talk entitled ‘The Other End of a Black Hole’, James Beacham explored what happens when the fabric of reality - physical or social - twists beyond recognition, and what it means for you, now and in the future.
The simplicity of the language he used to describe complex phenomena such as black holes and the parallels he drew with the social role that science can have in redefining collective ethics aroused strong emotions in those who followed it live.